Directora General y Editorial: Silvia Meave
#Infoperspectivas de las Américas | Enero 2025
¿Logrará el reelecto presidente de los Estados Unidos rescatar a su país de una inminente recesión económica y de la crisis social que padecen sus habitantes?
The Americas Examiner® | Jan 2025
Protected: EV Surge on Post-Pandemic Expectations
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G20: The Digital Transformation of Productive Activities
G20 Ministerial Meeting On Digitalization: The Digital Transformation of Productive Activities Towards Sustainable Economic Growth
US Milestone on Covid-19 Vaccination
The U.S. reached a milestone this week: 70% of adults have at least one vaccine dose.But few are celebrating, as the Delta variant surges across the nation and vaccine initiatives meet resistance in large sections of the conservative South and Midwest.— Los Angeles Times (@latimes) August 6, 2021 BREAKING: An executive order will require all... Continue reading→
Mayor of LA Garcetti tested positive for COVID-19
Mayor Garcetti tested positive for COVID-19 earlier today. He is feeling good and isolating in his hotel room. He is fully vaccinated.— MayorOfLA (@MayorOfLA) November 3, 2021
Leaders of the World Pledge to End Deforestation by 2030
By Simon Jessop and Andrea Shalal GLASGOW (Reuters) - Banks, insurers and investors with $130 trillion at their disposal pledged on Wednesday to put combatting climate change at the centre of their work, and gained support in the form of efforts to put green investing on a firmer footing. And in another development at the... Continue reading→
Apple May Discontinue iPhone 12 Mini
The 70% production cut clearly indicates that Apple could discontinue Apple iPhone 12 Mini before the launch of iPhone 13 - Dazeinfo @Apple #iphone #iphone12 #iphone12mini #smartphone #mobile— Dazeinfo (@Dazeinfo) March 11, 2021
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CFE Fibra E Genera Rendimiento de 11.12% en 2023
CFECapital presentó los resultados obtenidos por la CFE FIBRA E (FCFE18) ante el público inversionista al Cuarto Trimestre de 2023, destacando que, durante 2023, ha... Continue reading→
Pandemia Quebró al 21% de MPYMES en México
En México hay alrededor de 5.5 millones de micro, pequeñas y medianas empresas que dan trabajo al 43 por ciento de la Población Económicamente Activa... Continue reading→
Igualdad de Género, Lejos de Metas 2030
Este escenario está muy lejos de la meta de lograr la igualdad de género para 2030, como se establece en los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible... Continue reading→