Directora General y Editorial: Silvia Meave
#Infoperspectivas de las Américas | Enero 2025
¿Logrará el reelecto presidente de los Estados Unidos rescatar a su país de una inminente recesión económica y de la crisis social que padecen sus habitantes?
The Americas Examiner® | Jan 2025
Estados Unidos, México y Guatemala: Nuevas Estrategias vs Migración Indocumentada
Insostenible, Migración Indocumentada en la Frontera Mexicano-americana
El incendio en un centro de detención migratoria del gobierno federal en Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, el pasado 27 de Marzo 2023, que ha dejado (hasta el cierre de esta edición) 40 extranjeros muertos y alrededor de una treintena de heridos, volvió a abrir el expediente negro de las políticas continentales en materia de derechos humanos... Continue reading→
Protected: Summit of the Americas 2022
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EU bans 70% of Belarus exports to bloc with new sanctions over Ukraine invasion
Published by Reuters UK By Francesco Guarascio BRUSSELS (Reuters) -The European Union has approved new sanctions against Belarus for its supporting role in Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, effectively banning about 70% of all imports from that country, the EU said on Wednesday. The fresh sanctions, which spare for now Belarusian banks, come after Minsk allowed... Continue reading→
Protected: US: Agreement to Lower Prescription Drugs Prices
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Global Economy Shows Resilience Amid Challenges in 2025, OECD Reports
The global economy is projected to remain resilient despite significant challenges, according to the OECD’s latest Economic Outlook. The Outlook projects global GDP growth of 3.3% in 2025, up from 3.2% in 2024, and 3.3% in 2026. Inflation in the OECD is expected to ease further, from 5.4% in 2024 to 3.8% in 2025 and... Continue reading→
Biden Tells Illegal Migrants to Keep Out – But Opens Door to Others
Originally Published by AFP Text Courtesy: Nordot Contents Library WASHINGTON (AFP) - President Joe Biden on Thursday warned undocumented migrants to stay away from the US border while opening the door to limited legal arrivals from four impoverished countries, in a delicate balancing act on one of the country's most explosive political issues. Biden, who is... Continue reading→
EU debt rules could remain suspended in 2023 due to Ukraine crisis
Published by DPA The European Union’s strict debt and deficit rules were suspended for the coronavirus crisis but due to come back into force next year – until war erupted in Ukraine. Concerns the conflict could have major economic impacts are prompting the EU to reassess whether the moratorium on the limits of the fiscal... Continue reading→
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Desaparece Twitter como Empresa
Twitter Inc. dejó de existir como empresa y ha pasado a formar parte de un nuevo consorcio denominado X Corp., es una empresa privada cuya... Continue reading→
FMI Alerta de Recesión Global en 2023
FMI proyecta
Lula Regresa al Poder en Brasil
Lula asume presidencia de Brasil por segunda ocasión
USA Aumenta Visas Laborales
Cierra Frontera Terrestre a Indocumentados Venezolanos
Muere Ex Banquero Mexicano Eloy Vallina
Eloy Vallina Lagüera, empresario chihuahuense reconocido por haber formado parte de la primera generación de banqueros mexicanos, previo a la estilización del sector financiero a... Continue reading→
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