Wings of Love, Inc. Launched #VoteforAmerica Educational Campaign

Wings of Love, Inc. Launched #VoteforAmerica Educational Campaign

👁‍🗨 Martín de Lima Moreno

Journalist. Senior Editorial Assistant at TribuAmericas®

Wings of Love, Inc., the American non-profit organization sponsoring TribuAmericas Media Contents & Entertainment Co., presented on October 12, 2020, its educational campaign “Vote for America” to promote voting among citizens to reduce electoral abstentionism in times of pandemic.

On November 3, 2020, the electoral process will end in the United States of America. On that date, it will be decided whether the current president —the New York businessman and Republican activist Donald Trump— is re-elected for a second term or the Democrats (led by the former vice president Joe Biden) return to political power.

It is a concern among political scientists and pro-democracy activists that the Covid-19 pandemic, which has caused almost 8 million infected people in the United States and around 200,000 deaths, may inhibit citizens' attendance at the polls. This, regardless of the possibility to send the vote by postal mail.

So, the Wings of Love team decided to develop a series of messages to disseminate through social media platforms and its nonprofit websites and associates network to motivate American citizens to vote as an act of patriotism, which allows maintaining the democratic system for the benefit of all and everyone in America. 🌎

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